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Showing posts from May, 2023

Healing is Real

The word "healing" is being abused here (and maybe elsewher). Some people use it as an excuse to get away from work or from responsibilities. At least that's what I thought. Maybe I am correct but I could be wrong too. So, I did take a few days off from work. Healing. And it's real. Being away from responsibilities is nice. I am lucky because I could do it without losing my credibility. Meaning people have to believe me and I don't get punished. That's because I did this without neglecting my tasks and responsibilities. Now, I am back and I need to complete my tasks (and more). While relaxing - or healing - I thought I did nothing important, but it turned out I was learning. Apparently, I enjoy learning. Thus, the time that I am away and learning is actually healing for me. I enjoy learning for the sake of it. Nothing specific to learn, but in the future I am sure I am going to use whatever I learned for greater use. It has been like that. Anyway, I just need ...