Reading at several posts in various groups, I got a feeling that some coders think that they are holier than others. They think low of people who can code, especially in code-related projects such as open source projects. Granted that the main attraction of the open source project is the code itself, but don't we need testers, people who write documentations, trainers, public relations, and such? Don't they have important roles in the projects? I've been coding all my life. I love coding. I code for fun. In fact, I coded a few minutes ago before writing this post. (Tomorrow I am presenting my codes in a local CodeMeetUp().) My code is so-so. Being an old coder, I could not keep up with current programming methodologies. But code is code. The principle is still the same. Back to the topic, I don't look down on non-coders even in a code-related project. I know that writing documentation is a pain in the blip and appreciate people who would do it. But, that's just ...