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Showing posts from June, 2004

Best practice in running an IT operation

(draft) I am doing a project for a large company, a bank. One of the issues that I have to dealt with is IT organization, especially in operation. There are numerous issues that we have to solve. Unfortunately, I am having difficulties finding references relating to IT operation. Even the web that I thought is a botomless fountain of knowledge produces nothing. I hit the bottom. One of the things I am looking for is organizational structure within this bank. Is there a best practice in running a large IT support? What do people do to separate the duties? (ie. planning, development, QA, operation, help desk, network, sysadmin, security) How do you structure it? Do you outsource? Which part? Why? Horror stories? Regarding workplace, what is the best IT office for these people? (I am looking at various interior design web sites, but none talks about IT support.) Most references I found are related to software house. There are references to good office design for programmers. (Yo...

Menebak F1 melalui Web

Beberapa waktu yang lalu marak berita tentang judi lewat Internet. Biasanya judi ini dikaitkan dengan peristiwa olah raga; seperti pertandingan sepak bola, tinju, atau yang lainnya. Nah kali ini saya akan cerita tentang menebak hasil olah raga tanpa judi. Salah satu olah raga yang cukup populer di dunia adalah Formula 1 (atau F1). Nah, ada satu situs yang menguji kemahiran anda dalam menebak siapa pemenang dari lomba F1. Situs yang namanya ini menyediakan cara untuk memilih pemenang lomba F1 dengan nama "F1 Pick 6" . Anda dapat mendaftarkan diri ke situs itu, meskipun kalau sekarang sudah terlambat - mungkin tahun depan. Setelah mendaftarkan diri, anda dapat memilih delapan (8) urutan teratas dari setiap Grand Prix. Hasil pilihan anda ini nanti diberi nilai sesuai dengan ketepatan pilihan anda. Hasil ini kemudian diurutkan, untuk setiap grand prix (istilahnya " results ") dan juga secara total (istilahnya " standing "). Jadi dapat...

Permasalahan Dalam Pengembangan BCP

(Issues and best practice in BCP development) Budi Rahardjo Direktur Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Industri dan Teknologi Informasi Institut Teknologi Bandung Founder PT INDO CISC - <> Juni 2004 Topik Business Continuity Plan (BCP) mulai muncul dan menarik perhatian dari pelaku bisnis akhir-akhir ini. Ada banyak alasan mengenai penyebabnya, mulai dari peningkatan kejahatan dan terorisme, sampai ke tuntutan dari regulasi atau shareholders . Sudah banyak tulisan, buku, dan referensi yang membahas masalah bagaimana melakukan pengembangan BCP. Tulisan ini tidak ingin menyoroti hal itu. Satu hal yang sangat minim dari pengembangan BCP ( BCP development ) adalah informasi mengenai masalah ( pitfalls ) yang dihadapi pada saat pengembangan dan solusinya. Tidak banyak, atau bahkan tidak ada, sumber referensi yang membahas masalah tersebut. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah BCP merupakan sebuah hal yang baru sehingga belum banyak yang betul-betul melakuk...
A picture of me in front of Hotel Padma Bali. In the back you'll see a sculpture of Flying Angel by the famous Nyoman Nuarta. See my travel story at 

Sick! Read! Listen!

For the past few days I was ill (actually, am still). Coughing and a little fever. I was gonna update the Indonesian Web Site with a story of my trip to Bali. But, I just could not do it. I felt so tired. My blood pressure went down (too low). So, folks, you just have to wait for my story. Meanwhile I had a chance to read conventional magazines, (IEEE) journals and books. Quite interesting stories they have. Sometimes they have URL or links to web sites. I wanted to visit them all. But they just have to wait. I also used this opportunity to play my tapes and CDs. And even watch movies. Anyway, it was really a break. Apparently some songs can't be digested in one listening. After listening to the songs a few time, they are quite addicted. Most classic rock songs are of this type. This time I listened to the Flower Kings quite a lot. Now, I am still not fit. But, I have to wait. Three presentations are waiting in line. Infact, they are all happening tomorrow. I delegated on...

Depth First Browsing or Breadth First Browsing?

World Wide Web offers a new way of reading and organizing materials. You don't have to follow a certain path like when you're reading a conventional (paper-based) books. This feature can help or lost you. In the early years of WWW, I didn't really care about it. There were not many good materials worth serious reading. Now, things have changed. There are many good articles to read and ponder. When I read slashdot , for example, there are many good links with good articles. I am overloaded with information. To follow these good links and articles, I could pick a topik and follow it to the "bottom". Of course there is no bottom in world wide web. Let's define the bottom is a place where you have enough of the topic. (If you have a better definition, let me know.) This is what I call " Depth First Browsing " (DFB). Another way to browse is to collect everything that you are interested with and start scanning these topics, the " Breadth Fir...