While browsing Andika's blog , I found a link to Blogshare . Actually, I found a link to my blogs being traded at Blogshares. Hmm, it looks interesting. So I joined them. Blogshares is a virtual trading place where blogs are considered public companies. We can buy and sell "blog shares". The value of the share depends on many things, including the number of inbound and outbound links. You can add your blogs to the list of traded blog companies. I found that my web site ( budi.insan.co.id ) has a high-priced value, while the other one ( gbt.blogspot.com ) was just starting. I didn't have shares in those two blog companies. I claimed them, and got 1000 shares in each blogs. Now, I am adding my other blogs (as you know, I have too many of them, such as my blog at modblog , at tblog , at multiply , at Yahoo 360 , at ITB , friendster, and many more). We'll see how it goes. Since I started with a very small amount of money, I could only buy shares that are of low value....