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My cassettes to MP3 collection saga

In earlier notes, I said I was working late and need something to keep me awal. I started converting my cassette tapes to MP3. The quality is not good since some of the tapes are in a bad condition. I can't complain since the tapes are quite old. Some of them are my collection from late 70s. So that's nearly 30 years! Part of the reasons I converting them is to preserve their songs. Most of them are not available in store anymore. Some of them reappeared though. (I bought five old tapes yesterday.)

The other reason of converting to MP3 is that my cassette players begin to show their age. I've got four players, two of them are already dead (collecting dusts). Another one is a little flakey. (I have serviced this machine twice.) Only one is in a good shape, but this one is a small portable (compo) player. The sound quality is not that great and there's not line out! Anyway, I used the flakey one and connected the line out of it to my sound card line in. It took a while to fiddle with the input gain (somewhere in control panel) to make a good quality audio sound. Otherwise, the audio is clipped and you'll hear distortions. Another problem is that those cassette tapes have different sound level.

The program that I used to do the conversion is audacity. It's an excellent free program. Horray for open source. It's available for Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Mac. I use the Windows version.

Ok ... here is a list of 59 songs that I have converted to MP3 last night:

achmad albar - secita cerita.mp3
david foster - chaka.mp3
david foster - heart strings.mp3
david foster - love at second sight.mp3
david foster - love look what youve done.mp3
david foster - mornin.mp3
david foster - night music.mp3
david foster - our romance.mp3
david foster - the best of me.mp3
david foster - the dancer.mp3
david foster - whatever we imagine.mp3
david gates - silky.mp3
deddy stanzah - sepercik-air.mp3
fariz - nada-cinta.mp3
fariz - sakura.mp3
fariz - sandra ameido.mp3
fariz - selangkah-ke-seberang.mp3
fariz - semusim.mp3
fm - dream girl.mp3
fm - magic.mp3
frozen ghost - better to try.mp3
frozen ghost - pauper in paradise.mp3
frozen ghost - step by step.mp3
gino vannelli - brother to brother.mp3
godbless - cendawan-kuning.mp3
godbless - huma-di-atas-bukit.mp3
godbless - kehidupan.mp3
godbless - menjilat-matahari.mp3
godbless - raksasa.mp3
godbless - selamat-pagi-indonesia.mp3
godbless - semut-hitam.mp3
godbless - setan-tertawa.mp3
iwan fals - aku bukan pilihan.mp3
iwan madjid - id rather be here.mp3
iwan madjid - mengapa ada cinta.mp3
jefferson starship - jane.mp3
k3s - o ya.mp3
lonnie smith - i need your love.mp3
manfred mann - visionary mountain.mp3
prambors - apatis.mp3
prambors - awan-putih.mp3
prambors - dalam cita dan cinta.mp3
prambors - dalam kelembutan pagi.mp3
prambors - kelana.mp3
prambors - kharisma indonesia.mp3
prambors - khayal.mp3
prambors - saat harapan tiba.mp3
prambors - sesaat.mp3
prambors - yang-esa-dan-kuasa.mp3
raidy noor - sapa semesta (2002).mp3
seals and crofts - first love.mp3
seals and crofts - forever like the rose.mp3
seals and crofts - get closer.mp3
seals and crofts - my fair share.mp3
seals and crofts - try your love 1.mp3
seals and crofts - try your love.mp3
seals and crofts - you're the love.mp3
smokey robinson - just to see her.mp3
spargo - head up to the sky.mp3

... more to come ...


Anonymous said…
Pak Lagunya boeh juga yaa ..

Yang Prambors itu bisa di share.

Anonymous said…
Itu Setan tertawa keluaran 1975??Tukeran yuk. Gua punya Album Secita cerita, Fariz Sakura, Ken Arock H.Roesly.
Rein said…
Boleh minta lagunya Davd foster "love at second sight" gak? kalo boleh, ini imel saya:

Thanks ya!
rere said…
bagi mp3 love at second sight ke ya bos.. i love that song dan susah nyari mp3 nya...

Anonymous said…
Wah hebat koleksinya bikin ngiri..

maf ni kalo ngerepotin
yang prambors bisa bagi2 ga pak??
khususnya dalam kelembuutan pagi

thx b4,
epoy said…
Pak, boleh dong minta lagu2nya...
Anonymous said…
pak saya boleh minta koleksi lagu bapak dalam format mp3 atau ogg??

prambors atau chaseiro pak

btw ttg chaseiro, saya udah pusing 7 keliling mencari album mereka

gak ketemu2

makasih ya pak
Anonymous said…
Holla Pak ....

Beneran lho, lagunya bagus2 ... share juga dong boleh gak ?


0815 855 960 74
Zain said…
yang udah jadi mp3 tuh bisa share kah ..?
dimana lokasinya ? aku pingin raksasanya gobless 1 album.. bisa kasi info ke ...
Riana Puspasari said…
boleh share iwan madjid-nya nggak? saya dulu pernah punya kasetnya tapi sekarang sudah hilang. atau ada info dimana yang jual album lawas? btw, iwan madjidnya ada puri dewayani & teduh nggak pak? thx. my email is:
Anonymous said…
Dear Budi,

Can you tell me how I can get a copy of the MP3 of 2 of songs by Fariz: Selangkah Kesebrang and Semusim? I would greatly appreciate it very much because I noticed that you have the mp3 of those 2 songs. I used to live in Jakarta in the 70's and would really like to get a copy of those songs. Thank you very much.

Anonymous said…
Pak saya mohon dibantu, saya butuh sekali lagu - lagunya God Bless saya mohon dengan bapak klo bapak punya koleksi seperti yang dibawah ini :
1. Musisi
2. Delapan Maret '89
3. Raksasa
bagaimana saya bisa mendapatkannya saya mhn bantuan bapak, karena saya cinta sekali dengan God Bless Trims
klo bisa hubungi saya di 081808916000
Anonymous said…
bgm caranya spy saya juga bisa copy mp3 tsb?
Anonymous said…
Pak, boleh share Love at The Second Sight-nya David foster? Saya sudah cari ke mana2 tapi susah sekali dptnya.

Anonymous said…
mp3 god bless boleh ya..dikirim
ke biar tuhan yang bales amal nya
Anonymous said…
mas kalo boleh minta dishare "love at second sight" tulung diemailken ke : matur kasuwun.
enin said…
Bisa bantu transkrip lirik lagu "Masa Depan di Tanganmu" yang dinyanyiin Deddy Stanzah itu. Saya punya audio mp3 lagu itu, tapi mutunya tidak bagus. Banyak bagian vokal yang sulit sekali didengar jelas. Padahal pengen banget aransir ulang dan nyanyiin lagu itu. Ironis, kang Deddy terkenal sering teler, padahal lagu itu cerita tentang anak muda yang hancur karena urusan teler. Thanks.
Anonymous said…
Pak, boleh ngga minta lagu2nya prambors, buat suamiku yang suka banget dan ngga bisa lagi dapat lagu2nya gara2 rumah kebakaran...hiks....
kalau boleh saya di
makasih yaa...
Anonymous said…
mas gimana sih caranya ngedapetin semua Fariz dan semua prambors itu, bantuin dong
Anonymous said…
Selamat Siang Pak Budi,

Pak saya boleh tau dimana mendapatkan CD Chaseiro(pemuda) dan CD Jay Grydon ( airply for the planet), saya sudah mencari di seluruh toko musik di jakarta tapi tidak ketemu, apa bapak punya koleksinya...?

please reply ASAP
thanks before
Anonymous said…
Pak Budi.., minta tolong pak..
barangkali apa saya bisa minta liric lagu 'Sepercik Air'?
Hatur nuhun pa sateuacana.

Pak, lagunya keren-keren terutama yang bikin rindu albumnya gong 2000, namun ditulisnya godbless.
Bisa dishare ngak ke

Anonymous said…
Siang pak Budi,...
gimana caranya download lagunya godbless tolong dunk ...Q cinta mati dech sama godbless
Anonymous said…
Kang Budi,

salam kenal.. fans lagu jamdul jg niyh.. mau donk lagu k3s - o'ya.. susah bener cari dimana-mana... trimakasih sbelumnya.. ditunggu..
Anonymous said…
Pak Budi, koleksinya top ya.. Boleh dishare copy Secita Cerita nya Achmad Albar? Thx.


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