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Genesis: Three Sides Live VCD

Finally, I got "Genesis: Three Sides Live" video CD again. I lost my VCD and have been searching for it. Fortunately Indra KH has a copy. Now, I can enjoy the video CD again. (Right now, I am playing it in my computer with closed door. The sound is too loud for the familly. Well, it has got to be loud!)

My favourite is the second CD, which has "In The Cage (medley - Cinema Show - Slippermen)". All the players were good. During the keyboard solo, Tony Banks fingers were shown. Or, the part where Mike Rutherford was shown playing bass with foot pedal. Or, the part where Daryl Streumer played his guitar. Or, the part where Phil Collins was duelling with Chester Thompson. They were beautiful. Not to mention, the songs are great in the first place. All of these make me want to play ...

Unfortunately, not many people like this idea...


jay said…
waktu smp dulu saya terkagum-kagum lihat duet drum Collins dan Thompson, apalagi pas dishoot dari atas!
Budi Rahardjo said…
Wah, sayangnya saya tidak punya Seconds Out. Kalau punya, mau dong... Memang yang bikin saya merinding adalah gambar sorotan lampu-lampu dari atas ke stage. Ini ciri khas seconds out. Merinding habis.

Di Internet saya menemukan band yang namanya G2, yang mencoba memainkan lagu-lagu Genesis lengkap dengan lightingnya. Lihat di sini: . Sayangnya DVDnya mahal juga euy.
Anonymous said…

kita punya rencana nich mau menggelar lagu-lagu Genesis sekalian bernostalgia dengan temen-temen di Bandung sekitaran bulan Mei, rencananya sih mo dia adain di Paparazienya Grand Aquila Hotel.

Yang mo bawain lagu-lagunya Genesis nanti, siapa lagi kalo bukan duplikat satu satunya di Indo yang sudah malang melintang di dunia musik sejak 23 tahun terakhir, yaitu ... COCKPIT. ..........Gimana ? tertarik nggak ??? pasti doong ,,,!!!!

Makanya buat temen temen di bandung tolong kasih input dong ma kita kemana tiket yang lumayan mur mer ini dapat di distribusikan biar tepat mengena pada fans fanatik Genesis. Ato kalo punya info orang orang yang ngefans berat ma Genesis dan bisa bantu sponsorship kabar kabari juga ya .... thanks lo sebelumnya.
Anonymous said…
wah, Cockpit ini favorit saya. kalo dia manggung, pasti saya buru buat nonton. Kalau bawain Supper's Ready, wuih Peter Gabriel bisa nangis lho
Anonymous said…
bos. kalo ada info cockpit mo manggung ato maen di cafe mana, tolong dunk info nya

Mickey said…
"THE JOURNEY CONCERT 2" Feat Cocpit Band & Odink Nasution, Andi Riff

THE JOURNEY CONCERT - A Journey to the golden era music...musik '60 - '80. Blues, rock n roll, progressive rock, hard or art rock, soul, pop rock, jazz rock....sebutin deh semua....featuring Yes, Genesis, Emerson Lake Palmer, Mike Rutherford, Golden Slumbers, Queen, Rolling Stone's, Beatles, Chicago, Jimi Hendrix, Santana, Earth Wind & Fire, BB King, Steve Hackett, Air Play, Deep Purple, Led Zepplin, Blood Sweat & Tears, Jethro Tull, Almand Brothers, Chuck Berry, James Gang.

LIVE Performance...
Date : Saturday, 17 Nov 2007

Performers :
- COCKPIT Band & Raidy Noor......kembarannya Genesis???....yg pasti this band still EXIST!
- The BLUESNEWZ & Odink Nasution.......ini mah Blueser Number One in Indonesia
- S&R Band (Frans Sunito & Friends)........playin' Rolling Stones....oh please....vocalistnya Mick Jagger banget! super big size
- THE EVOLUTION (Luki Salatun)......lagu2 Chicago & Earth Wind & Fire emang enak buat goyang....tarikkk manggg (ih emang dangdut?)
- 7 YEARS LATER.....playin' Led Zep and so on!
- Rama and Unknown Artist.....?????? Just don't miss them!
- Yessy & Rock n Roll band........Let's Rock n Roll babe!


- Mickey 08161166195
- Ifeb (Delta FM)
- InaBlues (Indonesian Blues Association) call Ali Akbar or Achmad Rubai 021-75904953

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