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Computer to FM transmitter

I have quite a number of audio collections in tapes, CDs, LPs, DVDs. I am starting to convert my tapes to MP3s. I rip my CDs into MP3s. I can then hide my tapes and CDs in a cupboard. They are still accessible though. My audio collection is now sitting on my harddrive.

Now, if I want to listen to music I have to sit in front of my computer. Many times it's uncomfortable. Sometimes I want to listen to my collection in my bedroom. The small boombox in my bedroom only takes audio CDs. Samething with the stereo in the living room. Then, there's this carstereo problem. My cars have cassette tapes. (I know I should get a CDs instead. I did that to my other car.) So, occasionally I recorded songs to a blank tape. Well, to do this I have to bring my stereos in the living room to my PC. Basically, it's a hassle. What to do?

I thought what if I get a USB-to-FM transmitter. That way I could transmit my collection to any stereos in the house. Or I can bring my notebook to my car, attach the FM transmitter, and play the songs from the notebook through the FM receiver in my car stereo.

The idea of using USB is that it gets the data in digital form, so that the quality only drops in the FM transmitter. So I searched the Internet and found a number of such devices. (Many of them seem to point to LineX.)

But then, if I get a USB-to-FM transmitter, it only works one way; from computer to stereo. This is too restricted. Another thing is I couldn't bring my portable CD player to my car and use it to broadcast the songs through the FM receiver since the CD player doesn't have a USB port. I think I should get a portable FM transmitter instead. This way, I can still transmit from my PC (through Line-Out) and I can do the other way around. I can play tapes from a stereo and use an FM receiver on my PC to record it (say with audacity, and convert them to MP3s).

What do you think?

So, now I am searching the Internet for a portable FM transmitter. Any recommendation? Notes: remember that I live in Indonesia. Some internet-stores wouldn't accept credit card payment from Indonesia due to the high risk of creditcard fraud.


Unknown said…
Hallo Pak,
Saya lebih menyarankan USB Flashdisk dengan kemampuan MP3 Player. Ini sudah umum dan harganya mulai turun.

Tetapi jika ingin menyimpan lagu lebih banyak lagi, Bapak dapat menggunakan iPod (20GB ~ 60GB harddisk). Untuk dibawa ke mobil pun bisa. Ada merek mobil luar negeri yg sudah embed iPod di mobilnya. Atau kan banyak juga tape player di mobil yg memiliki audio-in port. Tinggal colokin Flashdisk MP3 player atau iPod.

Kesimpulannya: mungkin belum diperlukan USB-FM transceiver. Atau gunakan saja Wi-Fi + PDA dgn kemampuan wi-fi. PDA dapat pula memainkan MP3 dgn baik.

Salam hangat.
obot said…
saya sendiri nggak punya pengalaman, tapi sedang didiskusikan di /.:
Anonymous said…
Beberapa USB memori sudah dilengkapi dengan MP3 dan WMA Player. Ada juga yang dilengkapi dengan radio (FM) dan digital recorder.
Reno S. Anwari said…
coba ini,

bukan usb, tapi lumayan deket lah sama yang dimaksud. cc indonesia kalo ga salah masih diterima di situ.
Anonymous said…
Ada dari Belkin, namanya TuneCast FM Transmitter. Ada 2 versi, yang buat iPod dan yg biasa. Bedanya, yang iPod bisa diset frequensinya terserah kita, yang normal cuma kasih 4 frequency : 88.1, 88.3, 88.5, 88.7. Harga yg buat iPod 2x lipet dari yg biasa.

Kalau di Jakarta/Bandung ada yg jual iPod accessories, seharusnya accessories ini dijual. Atau kalau Bapak sempet ke Singapur, di Singapur (belakang Borders, Orchard Road) ada Apple Shop.

Dia transmit FM dari line-out. Jadi kalau bapak punya iPod/Mp3 player, atau apapun yg ada headphone outnya bisa dipake. Jadi bisa untuk komplemen iPod/Mp3 player/Laptop/palm (pokoknya yang bisa nyimpen lagu2) untuk bisa denger lagu-lagunya di radio mobil (atau angkot kalo angkotnya punya radio).

Ukurannya kecil kok, bisa masuk kantong. Cuma suaranya jadi berubah, kualitas CD jadi mirip dengan kualitas radio.
Anonymous said…
Wah kebetulan saya jual MP4 player dan MP3 player yang berkemampuan storage data juga.Jadi mungkin ada yang jadi pilihan anda..silakan dilihat di :

(0231) 3322827 / 085220007361 (call or sms)
Holiq Hudairi said…
Kalau ada waktu mampir saja ke disana ada banyak pilihan untuk transmitter FM maupun TV

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