At the end of 1997, I went back to Indonesia from my studies and work in Canada. The .ID domain management in Indonesia at that time was in a confusing state. Nobody wanted to manage it. Universitas Indonesia (UI) - the original maintainer - was in a fight with APJII (the Association of Indonesian ISP).
In the end, IANA gave me a mandate to manage the .ID domain. Since then, I manage the .ID domain with open management. There are problems, but mostly minors.
Until recently, when APJII (again) is trying to take over the .ID domain management from my team. Here's a short info to give you a head start.
Short summary
APJII (the association of ISP in Indonesia) is trying to takeover the .ID domain management in Indonesia. They have tried and will try everything to take over.
Long description
I've been managing the .ID domain since the end of 1997. At that time, nobody wanted to run the domain management.
First of all, a brief description of how we run things. To run the .ID domain, I am assisted by several domain admins. Each of these domain admins is responsible for second level
domains. For example, there is a domain admin for AC.ID, then there is also a different domain admin for CO.ID, etc. These domain admins are volunteered based. (No ne get paid, except for the CO.ID admin who is also helping the day to day operation.) All of this was done informally. I am personally responsible for everything. We use "IDNIC" as the name of our operation.
There is a fee to register a domain, except for,, and (which is allocated for schools, government, and military - they are free). Most of the domains are registered with one time fee, except for which has a yearly fee. In the future we would like
to implement a yearly fee to make sure that there are no dead domains (domains that are not used at all). Billing was outsourced to APJII (the association of Indonesian ISP).
To serve the domain users better, we are now in the process of using registrar-registry, just like gTLDs. We would like to be the registry and stick with policy and backend. Whereas registrars are doing the business.
To implement this concept we have to formalized the organization. We decided to create a formal entity, which consists of all the domain admins (the de facto operational). This organization is a non-profit oriented. We are in the process of discussing the by-laws publicly (through open mailing list).
Now... the issues.
APJII (the associations of ISP) feels that they are being left out. They insisted that they should be part of the registry (AND registrar). They do not like the registrar-registry concept. So, they sent mails.
We have no choice but to stop using the name IDNIC in our services. We are now using "ccTLD-ID" as our name. (And we have changed IANA database.) We move forward with our registrar-registry programme. Currently, we have selected 5 registrars.
The next letter was a threat to sue me.
A couple of months ago, APJII have an election and new officials were announced. As part of the election process, they also have programme. To my disbelieve, one of the programme was to create an entity called IDNIC that manages IP numbers *AND* domain name. I have no doubt that they will send a letter to ICANN to redelegate that mandate to them. Since this is their internal organization issue, I could not (and would not) do anything. But I have to give you a warning.
A few days ago, they went to the Government and asked the Gov to support APJII (or they use the name ID-NIC) as the domain management in Indonesia. Now, I am pretty sure APJII will send an email to IANA/ICANN as well, asking for a redelegation to them.
Just to give everybody a head start.
Budi Rahardjo
At the end of 1997, I went back to Indonesia from my studies and work in Canada. The .ID domain management in Indonesia at that time was in a confusing state. Nobody wanted to manage it. Universitas Indonesia (UI) - the original maintainer - was in a fight with APJII (the Association of Indonesian ISP).
In the end, IANA gave me a mandate to manage the .ID domain. Since then, I manage the .ID domain with open management. There are problems, but mostly minors.
Until recently, when APJII (again) is trying to take over the .ID domain management from my team. Here's a short info to give you a head start.
Short summary
APJII (the association of ISP in Indonesia) is trying to takeover the .ID domain management in Indonesia. They have tried and will try everything to take over.
Long description
I've been managing the .ID domain since the end of 1997. At that time, nobody wanted to run the domain management.
First of all, a brief description of how we run things. To run the .ID domain, I am assisted by several domain admins. Each of these domain admins is responsible for second level
domains. For example, there is a domain admin for AC.ID, then there is also a different domain admin for CO.ID, etc. These domain admins are volunteered based. (No ne get paid, except for the CO.ID admin who is also helping the day to day operation.) All of this was done informally. I am personally responsible for everything. We use "IDNIC" as the name of our operation.
There is a fee to register a domain, except for,, and (which is allocated for schools, government, and military - they are free). Most of the domains are registered with one time fee, except for which has a yearly fee. In the future we would like
to implement a yearly fee to make sure that there are no dead domains (domains that are not used at all). Billing was outsourced to APJII (the association of Indonesian ISP).
To serve the domain users better, we are now in the process of using registrar-registry, just like gTLDs. We would like to be the registry and stick with policy and backend. Whereas registrars are doing the business.
To implement this concept we have to formalized the organization. We decided to create a formal entity, which consists of all the domain admins (the de facto operational). This organization is a non-profit oriented. We are in the process of discussing the by-laws publicly (through open mailing list).
Now... the issues.
APJII (the associations of ISP) feels that they are being left out. They insisted that they should be part of the registry (AND registrar). They do not like the registrar-registry concept. So, they sent mails.
- First mail stated that we cannot use the word / brand "IDNIC" anymore since they have trademarked the name IDNIC. (in 1998) (Yes, they have done this without my knowledge. It was a stab in my back.)
- They will use the name IDNIC to serve IP allocation and AS numbers, which they are doing right now. (Note: apparently, this is just the beginning of the take over)
We have no choice but to stop using the name IDNIC in our services. We are now using "ccTLD-ID" as our name. (And we have changed IANA database.) We move forward with our registrar-registry programme. Currently, we have selected 5 registrars.
The next letter was a threat to sue me.
A couple of months ago, APJII have an election and new officials were announced. As part of the election process, they also have programme. To my disbelieve, one of the programme was to create an entity called IDNIC that manages IP numbers *AND* domain name. I have no doubt that they will send a letter to ICANN to redelegate that mandate to them. Since this is their internal organization issue, I could not (and would not) do anything. But I have to give you a warning.
A few days ago, they went to the Government and asked the Gov to support APJII (or they use the name ID-NIC) as the domain management in Indonesia. Now, I am pretty sure APJII will send an email to IANA/ICANN as well, asking for a redelegation to them.
Just to give everybody a head start.
Budi Rahardjo
lebih cepat lebih baik, jadi tidak diklaim sepihak oleh APJII.
seringkali niat baik tidak cukup. :)
Kerjanya pun juga ndak jelas,Pak HN tuh yang kerjaannya cari perhatian aja ..he..he..
Jangan dikasih lah...kita tetep dukung kok pak Budi...
Maju terus kang budi.
tapi toh, kita tetap tahu siapa mereka...
Saya dukung Pak Budi!
Go get em, pak..
kok gitu yaahh..
smoga yang benar memang BENAR..
yang salah memang SALAH..
makasih ya pak, dulu dah dibantuin bikin ""
Perlihatkan dulu kerja anda yg profesional... baru deh 'perang' dengan pake otak dan rasa rendah hati...
Kerja tim anda sewaktu di IDNIC dan ccTLD sangat tidak profesional dan terkesan meribetkan masalah...
Jgn pikirkan kekuasaan anda memegang domain indonesia... pikirkan juga gimana cara mengelola domain yg profesional... lebih bagus pengelolaan domain2 di tempat2 hosting daripada di ccTLD...
Orang yg banyak komplain dengan ccTLD
1. Kinerja CCTLD menjadi lebih baik
2. Wadahi pengelolaan CCTLD dalam struktur yang lebih baik
Jika ini adalah mandat dari IANA kepada Bapak secara personal, bentuklah wadah resmi yang mengelola domain secara lebih profesional dan terarah. Ngapain susah - susah bikin akreditasi? Cari dukungan? Lalu kenapa yg accredited itu sebagian juga ISP - ISP yg tergabung dalam APJII?
Kita pasti dukung koq, asal CCTLD dibenahi dengan visi kedepan yang cukup matang
anyway saya dukung pak Budi...
Apalagi dengan pengelola baru, jangan dengan (sekjen) APJII yang sekarang ! SekJen APJII sekarang (TAP) orang rakus kekuasaan!
Lihat saja, baru menjabat sudah mau buat PT IIX, cita-cita beliau saat jadi Sekjen dulu, mengkomersilkan IIX.
cek saja webnya di, ada PT Mahatel (punya TAP juga): (webnya sudah dikosongin sejak ribut2 IDNIC) atau
IDNIC sudah tidak beroperasi sedang INFOKOM ( masih menginformasikan pendaftaran domain .ID masih di ccTDL, kalo pemerintah tidak siap ya mbok biar pak Budi aja yang pegang, khan kami bisa tetep mengelola domain lewat ccTDL. Sebentar lagi saya tidak memiliki WEB Site, pdhal punya domain dan hosting lho...
Kalo begini sih lebih baik dipegang pak Budi
Dukung Pak Budi
asosiasi perompak jasa internet Indonesia (APJII),,,
untuk pengurus yang baru sering2 nonton Rahasia Illahi..ya??
Pak Budi Fight 4 Right!!!
tapi saya tidak suka melihat kearoganan dan ketidakadilan..
so..good luck mister..hope you win :)
Selamat berjuang Pak...
jika baca tadi saya rasa skg untuk pendaftaran lebih simple, tinggal ditingkatkan profesionalismenya.
niat kita kan ingin membangun IT di bangsa ini lebih murah dan handal, kenapa musti ribut, kl mau fair mari kita bangun bersama dgn open mid. kekuasaan dan monopoli kan peninggalan hasil cuci otak budaya dari para penjajah bangsa tercinta ini kenapa tidak kita kembalikan ke musawarah dan mufakat itu kan budaya dasar kita. kalo masih pake hasil penjajahan dan tidak mau berubah, pantes kl indonesia ini susu perahan kamu kapitalis. tinggal tunggu sampai tdk produktif.
hanya ingin indonesia tercinta ini utuh seperti dulu.
Say No to ..????
Yes, I agree with you Mr. Budi