I hate facebook uploading photo "feature". First of all, if I want to update a phone in a certain folder, I have to open that folder first. The thing is, to open the folder means images of the folder must be shown. Granted, the images are smaller versions but they still take time to view. I cannot select the folder without having to go through this process. After uploadin the photo, before it is being published, the list of photos is again displayed. Again, I have to wait until all the photos are shown. This is a pain if I have a folder with lots of pictures and I am uploading the photo one by one. I guess this is my problem because I have a slow internet connection. This wouldn't be a problem if you have a fast internet connection. Oh well ...
information technology, network, security, Indonesia, progressive rock music, budi rahardjo (or raharjo), education, life ... (in Bahasa Indonesia and/or English)