I am in the process of cleaning my harddisk. It is getting full. One thing I notice is that my music (mp3) collection is not well organized. Well, it is sort of organized but not efficient. Here's a case. I organize song according to the artis' album. What do you do with songs that are the same but distributed in different albums? For example, the song is in the original album and also in several compilations (the best of, collection of this and that, and so on). Do you keep multiple copies? Or do you just keep one? If you keep only one, in which album do you organize the song in? Right now, I keep multiple copies so that when I transfer an album (or compilation), I just copy one directory. This takes too much disk space.
information technology, network, security, Indonesia, progressive rock music, budi rahardjo (or raharjo), education, life ... (in Bahasa Indonesia and/or English)