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Showing posts from June, 2012

tumblr vs pinterest

I used to be an avid tumblr user, but these days I use pinterest more often. Pinterest, in my opinion, is tumblr on steroids. The reason I am leaving tumblr is that there is no innovation. Nothing new. And it is becoming ... boring. This is an example case of innovate or die. What do you think?

Google+ too much

I was trying to upload photos through my Google+ but couldn't do it. I have a slow bandwidth and the g+ animation (and downloading of the photos) is just too much. For example, if I want to upload a photo into an existing album (which already has 50 photos) then it would load and show those 50 photos before it let me upload into the album. My way of avoiding this is to use directly instead of using g+. Animation is nice, but too much animation is boring and annoying. No need to do that. Keep it simple, will you Google.