This is my first post in 2023. It's January 1st. This blog is actually my first blog after doing a lot of homepages - that's what they were called at that time - with a lot of HTML codes. Blogspot was one of the first blog services that I use in 2002. Yes, this blog is older than some of you, 21-years old. Although I have not updated this blog regularly - kinda neglected in a way, I am still keeping this. This is one of those relics that is still around. Standing still. Oh, btw, this blog was considered one of the top-10 blogs in Indonesia in 2005. You wouldn't believe it. But then again, maybe there were only 10 blogs at that time. Alas.
information technology, network, security, Indonesia, progressive rock music, budi rahardjo (or raharjo), education, life ... (in Bahasa Indonesia and/or English)