This is the second time I went to that coffee shop in Riau street, Bandung. (I won't name the place, since it might be considered advertising.) As usual, I brought a book (usually a couple of books) with me. The place was nice and cozy. I wen straight to the middle room, turned right to a room which has three nice sofa-like chairs. I ordered a hot latte, slouched and started to read my book. This was just perfect.
And then, it happened again. I just couldn't continue reading. My imagination ran wild. This time I was thinking about writing a book on the art of programming. Or, a book on the real life of programmers. I am teaching a course on programming this term. Actually, the first class is going to be this coming Tuesday. I just want to teach the real thing, not just the theory. Okay, I will do that.
I tried to cotinue reading. Again, I just couldn't do it. Now, I was thinking about something else. I was thinking about (advanced) physics, about Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem. No, I don't understand the problem. In fact, that was exactly what I was thinking; how (what should I do) if I want to learn all of these advanced topics? This topic came about after reading (parts of) John Brockman (ed.), "The Next Fifty Years: Science in the first half of the twenty-first century." Boy, I was so lost.
Then another topic came, and another, and another ...
Thirty (or more) minutes later, I finished my latte without actually making progress reading the book. Paid the bill and went back home. I have to take train(s) to finish the book. Sofa and coffee are just too much. [Read my "trains and books" rant in my other blog. It's in Bahasa Indonesia, though.]
And then, it happened again. I just couldn't continue reading. My imagination ran wild. This time I was thinking about writing a book on the art of programming. Or, a book on the real life of programmers. I am teaching a course on programming this term. Actually, the first class is going to be this coming Tuesday. I just want to teach the real thing, not just the theory. Okay, I will do that.
I tried to cotinue reading. Again, I just couldn't do it. Now, I was thinking about something else. I was thinking about (advanced) physics, about Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem. No, I don't understand the problem. In fact, that was exactly what I was thinking; how (what should I do) if I want to learn all of these advanced topics? This topic came about after reading (parts of) John Brockman (ed.), "The Next Fifty Years: Science in the first half of the twenty-first century." Boy, I was so lost.
Then another topic came, and another, and another ...
Thirty (or more) minutes later, I finished my latte without actually making progress reading the book. Paid the bill and went back home. I have to take train(s) to finish the book. Sofa and coffee are just too much. [Read my "trains and books" rant in my other blog. It's in Bahasa Indonesia, though.]
Keputusan Anda untuk memberikan file zone tanpa memberikan whois database pada pengelola domain CCTLD baru saya pikir adalah tindakan keputus asaan orang kalah. Saya mulanya berpikir Anda adalah orang yang lapang dada dan mau berpikir positif. Tapi nyatanya Anda adalah orang yang keras kepala dan dibutakan oleh ke-aku-an tanpa melihat kepentingan umum.
"Pihak ccTLD-ID hanya mau menyerahkan zone file-nya saja. Tidak secara keseluruhan database, aplikasi, standard operating procedure dan sebagainya," lanjut Heru.
Hal itu diakui oleh Budi Rahardjo. Menurut penggerak ccTLD-ID ini, pihaknya hanya akan mengerahkan zone file kepada pengelola berikutnya. Budi beranggapan hal itu sudah cukup untuk mengelola domain.
Manajemen CCTLD lama dibawah bapak sudah cukup menyusahkan karena SOPnya tidak jelas, pengurusannya bertele - tele, sistemnya sangat buruk, dan lain sebagainya yang sangat mengganggu para pengguna domain ID.
SEKARANG APALAGI?? Yang bodoh itu Anda atau pengelola baru? Dimana - mana orang juga tau bahwa unsur domain bukan hanya DNS Zone. Ada whois database juga yang sangat penting menyangkut kepemilikan domain.
Ia pun mengaku sedih melihat kurangnya pemahaman soal zone file dari pihak yang akan diserahi pengelolaan domain. "Kalau mau menata domain tapi nggak ngerti zone file itu sangat mengerikan. Ibaratnya mau menyetir mobil tidak tahu rem dan tidak tahu gas," ujar Budi saat dihubungi detikinet secara terpisah.
Jelas yang tidak mengerti itu Anda!!!
Bawa sampai mati sistem, database, SOP dan apalah sistem pengelolaan domain terburuk di dunia yang Anda bangun!! Tapi jangan bawa mati hak - hak pengguna domain ID.
INGAT!! Kami juga membayar untuk registrasi domain tersebut. Jadi Anda tidak bisa meng-klaim hak pengguna domain ID menjadi hak Anda.
Pak Budi, ini bukan dunia kampus dimana semua mahasiswa bisa Anda beri keputusan lulus atau tidak. Ini adalah kepentingan umum yang lebih berharga daripada ego Anda.
Di BLOG ini semua tulisan Anda hampir selalu memperlihatkan betapa cerdas, pintar, dan inteleknya Anda dan komunitas Anda. Tapi maaf pak!
Kalau Anda menghapus comment saya ini berarti Anda memang tidak gentle dalam menerima pendapat orang lain. Belajarlah untuk menjadi legowo! Anda akan semakin dihargai orang. Menangkanlah perang tanpa mengalahkan!
Dasar negeri moron.