[Picture of me during company's yearly meeting. Smiling. Does that mean we are doing okay? Yes, we are!]
One of the things that I do in my company is providing vision and direction. Even though we are a small start-up company, we have a yearly meeting. During this meeting I talk about our vision. In my opinion, company without direction is like a (star) ship without direction. Lost (in space?).
A few days ago, I was browsing books at Singapore's National Library when my eyes struck on Louis V. Gerstner's book "Who Says Elephant Can't Dance?" There is a sentence in the inside sleeve that bothers me:
"The last thing IBM needs right now is a vision"
Boom! What does it mean? Not having reading the book I do not understand what he means. (I wanted to read the book, but right now I already have more then a dozen books waiting to be read. In due time I will read it.)
The question is, "when do we need a vision and when do we don't?" Can somebody give me a pointer?
salam sesama pengguna mac!
Menurut elmu Emotional Quotien (EQ), lebih baik ngukur keberhasilan berdasar waktu dan proses yang bisa dijalani. So, tidak perlu frustrasi bila vision tak-tercapai.
louis said: "great strategies are long on detail and short on vision". it means that we have to plan somethin doable/executable and believable.
people will always need a vision to live. it's like a destination on a journey.
Kami butuh pendapat seorang ahli seperti Bapak.
Sekali lagi saya mohon maaf.
Now you know the answer to your questions.
The book was written based on an extensive 6 years research in Stanford, and clearly describes what a vision might do for a company.