I decided to give Google Chrome a spin. I tried to edit one of my blogs which is based on Wordpress. For some reasons, all paragraphs became one (long) paragraph.
I tried to edit it again. In the editor, the paragraphs looked fine but when I published the entry again, those paragraphs became one again. In the end I used Firefox to edit that blog entry. It worked.
Also, some stylings (like italics, etc.) were gone.
(known) bugs?
Long time ago I had similar problem with Safari, but it's fixed now. Maybe it's the same problem?
I tried to edit it again. In the editor, the paragraphs looked fine but when I published the entry again, those paragraphs became one again. In the end I used Firefox to edit that blog entry. It worked.
Also, some stylings (like italics, etc.) were gone.
(known) bugs?
Long time ago I had similar problem with Safari, but it's fixed now. Maybe it's the same problem?
Kalau saya pakai rss readers .. kenapa body posting blognya tidak muncul ya... hanya judul postingannya saja. Akan lebih baik kalau body postingnya juga bisa terbaca di rss reader, jadi saya tidak harus masuk ke web browsers.
Thank you.
terus, dulu saya buat gitu juga agar orang gak kepaksa mendownload (membaca) tulisannya (bodynya). jadi orang bisa lihat judulnya dulu. kalau tertarik baru baca. biar lebih ringan rss-nya. maklum di indonesia tea, bandwidth merupakan barang langka.