I've got more emails and news about bad news between Indonesia and Malaysia. To be exact, there was a news about RELA (not sure what that is) that goes out after Indonesians in Malaysia. There were incidents where they hit Indonesians, rob, and do horrible things. I cannot even write this is my blog. I am so sad and frustrated. What's going on with Malaysia (and Malaysians)? What did we - Indonesian(s) - do to deserve this? I thought there should be less boundary between Indonesia and Malaysia. But ... What's going on there, bro & sis? You know, more Indonesians now feel that they are offended by Malaysians. I can tell you that this bad feeling is increasing. This is a bad publicity towards Malaysia. People are now creating various calling names, such as "Malingsia" (it's a short of "maling" [thief] "siah" [you, Sundanese]), and worse.
Saya tahu Pak Budi punya byk koleksi blog. Mungkin Pak Budi tertarik untuk menambah lagi koleksi blog dgn nama yg baru?
Silahkan lihat di URL saya apabila mungkin Pak Budi berkenan dengan gbt.acakadut.com :)
Pollution is all over the world, and in some places it may get better. For noiw. I am grateful for people like you who want to duiscuss it