In the current issue (November 2004) of InfoLinux magazine, I wrote an article (opinion) about 2.4 GHz. In this article, I said that the 2.4 GHz spectrum is a resource that we have to use carefully, just like the green pasture in the original "tragedy of the commons" article. Many responded with a different point of view.
My take on the issue was based on current condition in Indonesia, in which many people use (or abuse to be exact) the frequency. For example, I've seen people use power booster to boost their signal, denying access to others. It's a jungle out there. There should be a regulation for this in Indonesia.
What's your opinion?
My take on the issue was based on current condition in Indonesia, in which many people use (or abuse to be exact) the frequency. For example, I've seen people use power booster to boost their signal, denying access to others. It's a jungle out there. There should be a regulation for this in Indonesia.
What's your opinion?
Penggunaan indoor sih masalah lain, tapi tentu powernya dibuat agar tidak ada bocoran sama sekali ke luar premises yang ditetapkan.
Ngurus hal ini harus hati-hati juga, orang Indonesia lebih mementingkan kepentingan sesaat daripada jangka panjang, lebih mementingkan kepentingan pribadi daripada kepentingan umum, misalnya hal subsidi BBM, orang-orang cenderung tidak suka kalau subsidi BBM dihapuskan, padahal itu keputusan yang benar. Setelah itu ada masalah penegakan hukum, kalau polisi nantinya menindak pelanggar masalah ini, di mata masyarakat tokoh jahatnya adalah para aparat, bukan si pelanggar :).
terus kacaunya lagi. beberapa pihak dari sekolah-sekolah. yang ikut jaringan dia, menarik biaya dari murid-murid sebesar Rp.10.ribu rupiah per bulan. padahal jika di kalkulasikan, biaya nya tidak sampai 1 juta. tapi mengapa murid murid harus membayar mahal?? untuk hal yang tidak sesuai...???